The idea of the Kickoff Academy is to provide you with a highly efficient soccer training – supportive to the club and at the same time individual. For everyone who wants to make progress in soccer. At any level. In every league.
S i n g l e T r a i n i n g s
„Becoming a regular player“: € 50
Everything about technique, coordination, speed. Up to U15 / C1.
„Career mode“: 70 €.
For players with ambitions. From U16 / B2
G o a l k e e p e r T r a i n i n g s
„Your way to number 1″: 50 €.
Basic techniques. Up to U15 / C1.
„Manu or the 11th fielder“: 70 €.
Modern goalkeeping. From U16 / B2
S m a l l g r o u p s T r a i n i n g
„Team“: 35 € p.p.
4-8 players
(90 minutes)
T e a m T r a i n i n g
„Home game“: 199 € (plus travel expenses)
Training at your place.
(90 minutes)
2 p l a y e r s T r a i n i n g
„Double pass“: 40 € p.p.
(60 minutes)
In addition to working on the ball, we support you in the further development of your personal strengths and soccer theoretical competence. Also crucial part of the job is the permanent exchange with your home club/coach.
For questions about your desired training, dates and prices just use our contact form.